Monday, March 22, 2010

“You make the outgoings of the morning and evening shout for joy” (Psalms 65:8).

It was an early fall morning at the beach in South Carolina. Several friends were enjoying a girlfriends’ weekend, and three of us had risen early to savor the spectacle of the sunrise over the ocean. Soft light was beginning to filter through the clouds as we sleepily made our way down to the beach. The gentle surf of low tide peacefully bathed the cool sand as we set our beach chairs down near the surf’s edge and as close to one another as we could for warmth. Breathing in the steam of fresh brewed coffee, we sipped from warm mugs and settled back to enjoy the majestic arrival of the new day. Beams of light began to streak across the sky like emissaries going out to announce the arrival of a great dignitary. Wispy clouds took on a golden hue, accenting soft shades of orange and blue that stretched across the horizon. The sun began to rise…slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, then in full glory. The ocean unfolded a welcoming runner of gold that extended from the sun’s first light to the edge of the surf. Wet sand reflected the shimmering light, and left no hint of the countless footprints and sand sculptures from the day before. Everything felt new and fresh, the day full of possibilities. How grateful I am that our God specializes in renewal. Not only is renewal built in to creation, in every sunrise, in every spring morning, in every bud and blossom, but He offers us spiritual renewal as well. His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23) He renews our strength (Isaish 40:31), He renews our minds (Romans 12:2; Eph. 4:23), He restores our joy (Psalm 51:12). He forgives, heals, and redeems to give us renewed life spiritually (Psalms103:3-4). When I pray, “Thy kingdom come,” I am anticipating a time of renewal upon the whole earth, when “The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings….” (Malachi 4:2). “Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad, let the sea roar and all its fullness….for He is coming to judge the earth, He shall judge the earth with righteousness…” (Psalm 96:11-13).

1 comment:

  1. How descriptive you are , dear friend. I remember the morning well - but the way you described the elements of the morning is phenominal. Can't wait to see your Bible Study! xxoo
