Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Two of my dearest friends and I have a fun tradition. On each of our birthdays we meet at Starbucks early in the morning. Thoughtfully, the birthday girl arrives a little later than the other two, which allows time for decorating a corner of the coffee shop. We are not subtle in our decorations, and we always feel a little sorry for anyone who comes to Starbucks that morning anticipating a quiet cup of coffee. Mostly, we find folks enjoy our festive display, and sometimes complete strangers join in the fun. As girlfriends, we delight in making one another feel special. We have surprised each other on more than one occasion with creative and fun acts of giving, just to say “you are special, and you are loved!” Personally, I cannot think of anything more joyful than demonstrating to a loved one how loved they are and knowing that they get it!

Reflecting on our birthday tradition, I understand something about God in a new way. It is always totally amazing to remember that God said He created us in His “image”….I believe that means He created us to possess (in a very finite way) some of the attributes of His very nature. He was the first to delight in demonstrating love…everything He made….all of creation….was made for us, because He loves us…wow! I believe He spent eternity planning it and that He had great fun doing it, and seeing that it was “all good” as His plan came together. He is the Originator of joyful surprises….how surprised Adam must have been when God presented Eve (I’m sure Eve was a little surprised, too….) Every sunset and sunrise, every spring morning holds another surprise. And the ultimate surprise….”no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him” (II. Cor. 2:9)
Surely it gives our Creator great joy when we reflect on His gifts, immeasurably full of surprise and wonder…given because He loves us immeasurably …but I wonder, do we get it?


  1. How fun we are! I loved the blog and all the many years of wonderful memories we all have together. Praise God for the gift of friendship and the many blessings that come from our rich relationships that have all been based on our common love for our Savior, Jesus Christ.

  2. I had never really thought about our resurrection being like a surprise birthday party. Jesus said "No man knows the day or the hour...". He meant it in a cautionary way, but for the saints it is going to be a joyous surprise. Keeping II Cor 2:9 in mind would make preparing any surprise for a loved one even more special. Thanks for the insights. Love you bunches.
