Saturday, March 21, 2009

I am so thankful our God is a God of relationship. He is the originator, designer and example of perfect relationship in Father, Spirit, Son. How amazing that He delights in relationship with us! We are children of the most high God (I. John 3:1)! Christ is our brother, and He calls us His friends (John 15:14-15).

“Friend” is a beautiful word. When it is spoken genuinely, it evokes feelings of mutual comfort, support, affection, respect and trust. Now that I’m entering the seventh decade of my life, I realize that I have had many acquaintances, but my true friends are one of God’s greatest gifts. Recently I received a lovely card from Pam, my best friend from high school. That may not sound significant, but we had lost touch after graduation and had not seen or heard from each other in more than forty years! She had found my name by searching the internet (there are advantages to having an unusual name) and made contact right away. We were both stunned to learn we lived only hours from each other (though more than 1,500 miles from where we went to school!), and that our lives had followed similar paths. We were both teachers, both had married “Bobs,” both had sons named Robby, and both had a grandchild named Addien! Our greatest joy was to discover that we were both committed to God and in love with His word. That commitment was what had bonded us together as friends more than four decades ago. Though we shared classes, worked on the yearbook together, and were members of the same girls’ club, what really drew us together was the faith we shared. We did not attend the same church, we did not agree on everything, but we agreed on the most important thing! One of my favorite songs is by Michael W. Smith, and it is titled “Friends.” I believe the words, “Friends are friends forever if the Lord’s the Lord of them…a friend will not say “never” and the welcome will not end…” Pam and I recently spent an afternoon together, renewing our bond of friendship. As we shared and laughed, the years melted away. I think we both felt like teenagers again for a brief moment. We are committed to staying in touch. I think we will. After all, we share a mutual best friend. His name is Jesus.

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