Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Family Bonding

Determined to spend some quality family time together, my daughter, Melissa, her husband, Ray, and their two small children (really small, Sean, two, and Lily Kate, barely one) piled into their van early Sunday morning with nearly all of their household goods (or so it seemed) packed in the back. I should mention that my daughter is seven months pregnant Her husband (who works for Nascar) had arrived home at around 3 am after a Saturday night race, and was operating on very little sleep. Add to that mix the fact that it was raining Sunday morning. But nothing dampened their spirits. Having the next day off, they were determined to give their children some quality family time in the mountains of Tennessee. And although the weather was wet and miserable at home, the forecast was for sunny skies at Cades Cove, the campground destination. Undeterred, they drove through rain for the entire five hour trip. When they arrived at the campground, the rain let up just long enough for Ray to put up the tent. The last stake was barely secure in the ground when a massive thunderstorm rolled in. They huddled together in their little tent. Sean, with eyes big as saucers as the thunder boomed, nestled himself in his dad’s arms, and Lily Kate snuggled close to her mom. At that moment, though exhausted, hungry and wet, Melissa and Ray knew there was no place they’d rather be.
We lived in Iowa for eight years, while our kids were growing up. Usually, every winter, there would be at least one blizzard that would leave us snowed in for three or four days. During those times, we would huddle together in front of the fire, pop some popcorn and watch a movie together (if we still had power!). And, truly, there was no place I’d rather have been. In the summer, thunderstorms would roll in and create a light (and sound!) show that could last for hours….we would sit close together on our front porch swing, marveling at the wonder of it all, and savoring the warmth of family togetherness. With no distractions, no place to go and nothing else we could do, the unexpected joy of just being together would envelop us. Often, it is the unexpected challenges of life that give us these opportunities. The same is true spiritually. So many things can appear threatening in the storms of life. But sometimes, when we set aside the distractions to savor relationship with our Creator, we can find ourselves enveloped with the peaceful presence of God. There is no greater comfort or security than having our Father’s arms wrapped around us …”the eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deut. 33:27). There is no place I’d rather be….

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