Monday, March 31, 2014

God is in the details...

“When you think your possessions are few, imagine losing everything you own…..then having it returned…” (Author unknown)
They were in love, but, about to graduate from college, they had hardly a penny to their name. Together, they picked out an inexpensive gold engagement ring, with a tiny diamond chip in the center. She was content with the modest ring, because she understood the love behind it. He wanted it to be more. To surprise her, he sold his most valuable possessions, which were few, to buy a more valuable diamond. He planned to have the diamond mounted in the gold ring as soon as he could afford to have it done. Before they were married, he shared his plan for her ring. The sentiment touched her deeply. Just before leaving on their honeymoon, they discussed what to do with the diamond. Should they keep it with them while they travelled or store it safely away until they were settled in their new apartment? They decided it would be too easy to lose it if they took it with them. They carefully wrapped it in tissue paper, put it into an envelope and stored it in a box for safe keeping.
   In all the excitement of beginning their new lives together, the diamond was forgotten. Several weeks after the wedding, the new wife remembered the diamond and began to search through any box she could find. Panicking, she thought of all the boxes they had thrown out! The most valuable thing they owned was gone. Deeply disappointed, a feeling of loss settled over her. She knew how much he had sacrificed to buy that diamond and how special it would have been to replace the tiny chip in her ring. She whispered a prayer that it might be found, but, in her heart, she had no hope. Months passed. One evening after returning from a long trip, she laid her suitcase on the floor in the bedroom, kneeled down, pulled it open and began casually unpacking her soiled clothing. Twilight cast a shadow in the room, so she stood to flick on the light. When she turned and looked down at the nearly empty suitcase, something very small and shimmery caught her eye. It was lying in the center of the suitcase, all by itself. Wondering what she owned that a rhinestone could have fallen out of, she picked it up and closely examined it…..a feeling of shock and disbelief gripped her as she realized it was not a rhinestone, but a solitary diamond! When she shared the news of her discovery, her husband was stunned. They took it to a jeweler for confirmation, and it was, indeed, the very diamond he had purchased nearly a year before. Delighted and still in disbelief, they had the diamond mounted, replacing the tiny chip, just in time for their first anniversary.
To this day, nearly forty-two years later, that ring is still my most valued piece of jewelry. It has been a continual reminder that no prayer is too small, no request of our hearts insignificant. Our God knows the number of hairs on our head (a number that is constantly changing…). He created more stars than there are grains of sand, and yet knows each one by name. He takes note when a sparrow falls from a tree. Our God cares about the details of our lives. When He said,"be anxious for nothing, but in everything let your requests be made known to God"…I believe He meant everything. Trusting Him in the details of our lives builds faith, not because every little request is granted, but because He will inevitably demonstrate that He cares about our needs and even our desires. “Every good and perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17). A “gift” is not necessarily something needed. It is something we delight to receive because of the love that motivated the giving. That is why Ephesians 3, verse 20 states that God can do “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine”… because His love is more than we can imagine! He is the One who specializes in restoring what was lost, and in the process He teaches us appreciation and multiplies our joy (Luke 15:7, 9-10).