Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I recently had the opportunity to accompany three of our grandchildren to a local science museum. We had a great afternoon exploring exhibits of wild animals and sea creatures, experimenting with sound machines and building blocks, learning fascinating things about the human body and taking in a show at the planetarium. One exhibit had to do with light….my grandson and I sat across from each other with a large glass pane between us. Each of us had a dial to control the amount of light that shone upon us. The more light we allowed to shine, the more clearly we could see the person across from us. When we turned the dial to diminish the light, we saw less and less of the other person, until all we could see in the pane was ourselves. It struck me that God’s principles are everywhere evident…maybe especially in a science museum. I couldn’t ignore the lesson….I can go through a day where all I see is myself, my needs, my concerns. That’s when I am not allowing God (who is Light) to shine in my life. When I “turn the dial”(perhaps through prayer, Bible study, fellowship) I can begin to focus on others and less on myself. I was reminded of Paul’s words in I. Cor 13:12 (KJ), “for now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face….then shall I know even as also I am known.” I truly do see “through a glass darkly,” but I’m reaching for the dial….